We are happy to announce this year's SLLS Summer School will take place between 7-11 July 2025 at the École de Santé Public (School of Public Health), Université Libre de Bruxelles.

The summer school's aim is to give an overview of the main theoretical and methodological approaches relevant for researchers using longitudinal data and/or a life course perspective. Composed of both lectures and hands-on lab sessions by renowned experts from a variety of disciplines, participants are introduced to the conceptual frameworks and statistical tools needed to set up their own research practices within the burgeoning field of life course studies, or to harness the power of longitudinal data to answer their research questions. Intended for doctoral and postdoctoral students, this summer school gives an introduction to life course perspectives in sociology, demography and epidemiology, and focuses on methods such as multilevel modelling, event-history analysis, social sequence analysis and casual inference methods.

For full information, including application details and programme, visit: https://esp.ulb.be/fr/slls-summer-school

Deadline for Applications: 1st April 2025

The Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies (SLLS) is a Registered Charity in England & Wales, No.1144426.
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