New network aims to promote the exchange of information and ideas between those running and analysing cohort studies of children in different countries.

A new European network on child cohort studies, EUCCONET, was inaugurated in Strasbourg at the first meeting of its Steering Committee, on May 27, 2008. The European Science Foundation is co-ordinating the funding of this network. The network was proposed to build upon the International Conference on Child Cohort Studies organised by CLS in Oxford in 2006.

The network aims to promote the exchange of information and ideas between those running and analysing cohort studies of children in a number of European countries and beyond. Another international conference is planned towards the end of its five-year funding. Meanwhile it will run approximately two workshops per year and promote exchange visits between studies. Participating studies include several major surveys in Norway, Denmark, France, Ireland , as well as North America and Australia. UK studies  include the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS), Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, Growing Up in Scotland and Born in Bradford

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Paris 2009 - Workshop on Consent and Network Objectives
Vienna 2010 - The Role of Fathers in Child Cohorts
Bristol 2010 - Data Management Interest Group
London 2010 - Tracking Sample Members in Longitudinal Studies
Cambridge 2010 - Developments and Challenges in Longitudinal Studies from Childhood
Bristol 2011 - Genetic Sequence Data and Populations: Where Do We Start?
Dublin 2011 - Surveying Children in Longitudinal Studies
Bergen 2011 - Record Linkage Workshop
Bristol 2011 - Nutrition Resources in Longitudinal Studies: What Can We Learn?
Bielefeld 2011 - EUCCONET Symposium and Delegation
Edinburgh 2012 - Dissemination, Impact and Engagement
Barcelona 2012 - Combining Birth Cohort Data: Lessons from Past and Ongoing Studies
Rotterdam 2012 - DOHaD Satellite Meeting: New Developments in Developmental Epidemiology
Paris 2013 - International Access to Cohort Data
2013 - EUCCONET Final Report and Consensus
The Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies (SLLS) is a Registered Charity in England & Wales, No.1144426.
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