Life course study and longitudinal research are potentially of central importance to the policy process. The burgeoning of major longitudinal studies throughout the world and the allocation of large-scale government funding to building longitudinal resources reflect this growing interest. In this respect, SLLS is well placed to identify the expertise and research resources needed to underpin the relevant evidence base in different policy domains. Such a development extends internationally the work that Longview, the think tank that initiated the society, began in the UK in 2003.

For this reason, the SLLS executive committee decided as a first step to create a database registering members’ expertise, relevant experience and policy interest areas. Such a register would be on a voluntary basis. It should act as a source of partners for collaboration on international longitudinal research projects directed at policy issues; help the executive committee to respond to policy debates; and broaden the scope of our international journal, LLCS in policy research directions.

If you are interested in this area of research, we invite you to sign up to the group’s mailing list below and to consider becoming a member of the SLLS, to participate more fully in our activities. We are also seeking a new group co-ordinator so please put yourself forward!

Group Co-ordinator (currently vacant)
Immediate past co-ordinator - Susan Morton, University of Technology Sydney  [email protected]

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The Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies (SLLS) is a Registered Charity in England & Wales, No.1144426.
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